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User Manual

Initial setup


  1. Turn on Iphone
  2. Connect Iphone to WI-FI
  3. Enter your e-mail
  4. Enter password
  5. Done

Register Hiperpatch

  • With QR-Code

    1. Open QR-scanner app
    2. Scan qr-code on hiperpatch
    3. Ensure number matches hiperpatch number
    4. Insert Patient identification
    5. Press "SUBMIT"
    6. Close page

  • Without QR-Code

    1. Tap "Notes" on Iphone
    2. Choose "HP Weblink" - Tap Link.
    3. Fill out form.
    4. Find hiperpatch id-number inside box flap.
    5. Press "SUBMIT"
    6. Close Page


  • With QR-Code

    1. Open QR-scanner app
    2. Scan QR-code on hiperpatch
    3. Take photo of the wound:
      1. 30-40 cm normal to wound (senkrecht)
      2. Ensure both electrodes are in the frame
    4. Upload directly or select from library
    5. Optional: Enter notes to each photo
    6. NOTE: Text & images can be edited only until uploaded
    7. Press Upload

  • Without QR-Code

    1. Tap "Notes" on Iphone
    2. Choose "HP Weblink" - Tap Link
    3. Insert Number in form
    4. Follow Steps 3-6 from "WITH QR-CODE"